Sunday, November 30, 2008

Good one people!

I find it really hard to move to the next song in my list.. This keeps looping:)

Saturday, November 29, 2008


Society has given a lot to each and everyone of us and there is a time when it is our turn to give it back something. Service in terms of material assistance is possible for anyone who is able and has the will to do it. As students, I always thought the best thing to do is to spread your wisdom to the younger ones who need it. This post is about a movement taken up by the Rotaractors of College of Engineering, Guindy, Anna University. This event, aptly named "Vizhithiru" is organized every year in the early months of the academic year. This was started with the motive of aiding students of chennai in facing their competitive examinations. Over the years, the club thought it is more meaningful to help students who are not well equipped and informed about the career options after school. The event thus started focussing on government corporation schools as well. Here is the link to the news article about this year's event.

Proud of you juniors!! Keep it up!!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Walk back home:)

After a nice day at work,
Packing my close companion
which takes my lap's top,
I head back home with a smile..

Admiring the rising moon,
Feeling the evening breeze,
With music playing behind,
Steps matching its rhythm

Haven't seen myself then,
But sans doubt I know,
that's when I am brightest,
that's when I look my best!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Learning more than I thought..

Its been over five months here at Chennai. Every day I spend at the office at Amazon, I add atleast one valuable thing to my life. Amazon Chennai office is pretty small having about hardly 80 engineers. And yeah, each one of them is different, interesting and unique. I can write a big book about the whole office but I am yet to discover a lot of people! If a camera is placed at my office and the daily events are recorded, I am sure it ll overtake the famous F.R.I.E.N.D.S!

So here I list some of the things that I learnt from different people in this office so far.

Talk and Do what proves right to your mind. Any concern, do not hesitate to raise when it is right to. Argument - if you feel it will do good, boldly argue! If you feel like singing with the headphones on, please do it. Its raining cats and dogs.. its beautiful outside.. feel like taking ur lap top, and working in Coffee Day? Or Have a walk in the rain? Go! Experience the fun in doing what you wanted to!

Knowledge is wealth - learn learn learn - from whoever it may be. Try to know everything about something interesting you come across. Be it trecking, be it physics, be it music, be it books, be it internet! Talk about what you know, know about what others talk. Be energetic and enthusiastic about experimenting. You think you have full bucket of water already? Try sharing it with others, they might have oceans hidden somewhere for you to pick up.

Wit is nice:) Enjoy being humourous. Appreciate and enjoy the company of the witty ones. Adds few years to your life. Try to make the environment lighter. It gives a lot of energy.

Learn to admire everything - smartness, shyness, intelligence, blush, humour, music and what not. Rather, try to find the beauty in everyone, life will look great. Have an open mind. Spread a positive aura.

Never give a 'stranger' feeling to a stranger. Make anyone feel home when they are around. Basically means you should always be at ease and feel at home with people around you. After all, we spend 8 active hours of the day with people at office. We are 'living' together, we are not 'co-existing'!

There are so many to be added to this list.. To be continued as I learn everyday!
Hello Everyone:) It s been few months since I started writing. I thought Its time I start posting my creations here. Hoping to post good ones often.
